Your website’s development depends heavily on picking the correct hosting plan. Many hosting choices make selecting one difficult. This guide shows you how to make hosting decisions for your website that will keep up with its current needs and future expansion. Understanding Hosting Plans A hosting plan is the foundation of your website. A hosting […]
How to Set Up an Online Portfolio to Showcase Your Work.
Modern professionals and creative people need to have an online portfolio to succeed in this digital environment. It displays your professional abilities online so others can view and connect with the work you do. This guide shows you how to build an online portfolio that displays your work while making you look more professional. An […]
Revolutionization of web design: From hand coded to AI driven.
Website development has grown a lot over the past few years. Where once there was a need for manual coding and extensive coding experience, there is now a simpler process. Modern website builders that leverage AI are great assistants who can help anyone build a modern website with no coding or design skills required. Taking […]
How AI Simplifies Website Creation for Beginners
In the aspect of how things were even a few short decades ago, it seems almost humorous to consider the world as having an unlimited advancement in technology. Once upon a time, when one wanted to set up a website, one needed to acquire a wide-ranging knowledge of computer language, specifically HTML, CSS, or Javascript. […]
How AI Enhances Website Accessibility and User Experience
The present world is the world of information technology and therefore, websites must be able to cater for everyone from the disabled to people with certain user preferences. As for the relationship of AI with web design, the former influences the latter by increasing Web accessibility and enhancing user experience. Here, we examine how AI […]